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Hendaye – 31 March 2023

Peter 8

We drove almost 500 km today, first westwards and then south. Our campsite is 2 km from the Spanish border near Hendaye. Our ride was very tiring because the weather was very bad with heavy rain showers and the wind was very strong all day. There was so much wind that I just got sore muscles but fortunately the shower is warm at this campsite.


But it wasnt a nice ride. It was also incredibly busy with trucks. When overtaking, the camper was properly set aside and this activated the antislip system several times. After paying roadtoll, I was stopped by a policewoman who asked me where I was from, where I was going and if the camper was mine. Lisa and I havent washed in three days so maybe we look a bit unreliable….


The campsite is excellent with spacious pitches only next to us is a couple with an unimaginably annoying dog who keeps barking. Hed better be quiet….


We now sleep for a few days on mattress topper that we purchased last year. The mattresses purchased with the camper are not wrong at all but consist of 4 parts. By now placing a large (220X200) mattress over it, we can move a bit more freely. It is a mattress with memory foam and that takes some getting used to. I love it but Lisa is still a bit awkward.


Tomorrow we drive into Spain and we will be at a campsite a little longer so that I can go hiking or cycling. Fortunately, the weather is getting a bit better; next week 20 degrees is expected and we would like to see that!

  1. Erik Erik

    Hopelijk wordt het weer overal wat beter, hier is het ook guur, de wind valt hier wel mee, wellicht aan de kust ook wat waai…

    Moest je die agente omkopen? Of doen ze dat niet meer in la douce France?


    • Peter Peter

      Vanaf vanavond wordt het beter Erik. Nee, mijn glimlach en buitengewone beheersing van de Franse taal lukt alles

  2. Corry Corry

    Bonsoir, jullie gaan de goede kant op, morgen krijgen we hier vervolg regen en wind. Hond gaat wel slapen straks, kunnen jullie ook uitrusten van 3 rijdagen.
    Dus jullie zagen eruit als zwervers, haha, nou ja , ik zie het voor me.

    • Peter Peter

      De hond werd gelukkig moe na een paar uurtjes. Arm beest….

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